Cataloging the world’s Dangers

America, also called the United States, is a country composed of several cities, fields, forests, mountains, deserts, and small-town America. It has the most expensive and therefore powerful military ever, which it uses to subjugate other countries for economic and sometimes ideological reasons. It is also among the wealthier countries on Earth.

America is notorious among other countries for its abnormal interest in guns. Also, because it is far-flung and fairly wealthy, America has a reputation for being "into" cars. Its reputation for being ruthlessly money-hungry is interestingly counteracted by its widely-known, poorly-understood culture of "tipping" service workers, which (while really just being an excuse for business owners to pay their employees lower wages) is a generosity-related practice that mystifies many foreigners: when you buy certain things in America, such as food or tattoos, you should give whoever gave them to you about 20% of the purchase price as an additional but mandatory gift.

Since the very beginning of America, when Europeans came to the area where America is and started either outright killing or just kind of aggressively relocating the people who were already here, America has been a capital-driven expansion project. Today, this expansion is mostly in the form of invasions and low-grade occupations in other countries that allow America to exert leverage over those countries' policies and practices for economic benefits. Since the 1800s, America has also regularly engaged in the practice of replacing existing governments with governments that just do whatever America tells them. This practice is not popular internationally.

Because of all the soldiers and its willingness to use them, America is pretty dangerous.

Danger Level



Militant, Wealthy, Mean