Cataloging the world’s Dangers

The moon is a big rock that floats about 240,000 miles away in space. It goes very fast—like, a kilometer a second.

Because it is very far away, the moon is mostly nothing to worry about. However, if you manage to go there, you should be aware that once you are there you will need to bring air that you brought with you—there is pretty much none on the moon to begin with.

As long as the moon stays far away, you are safe—but that's a big caveat. If the moon decides to come closer or crash into us, you are probably more or less screwed. This is partially because the moon is important to making sure the oceans behave the way we expect, and also because of astrology.

We are only safe from the moon because of the decisions it makes. If it decides to switch things up, you will probably die. Additionally, going there is pretty hard and sometimes people die trying—and even if they make it there, they'd better be prepared for the lack of air that the moon has. All told, the moon is actually pretty dangerous.

Danger Level



Limited air, Could crash into us, Far away