Cataloging the world’s Dangers

Sex is an activity that people and other animals undertake with the help one or more other participants, generally of the same species as themselves. For people, sex has two main purposes: enjoyment and, in a distant second place, reproduction. For other animals, it's basically just reproduction.

Sex seems really dangerous on paper. There are the normal risks common to athletic pursuits, like cramps and sprains. There are also some more or less unique dangers: pregnancy and certain classes of infections and viruses. Everything in the previous sentence is potentially life-changing, and should not be underestimated under any circumstances!

That said, each of these dangers is highly preventable. You can prepare yourself before sex by staying in shape, remaining hydrated before and during the process, and stretching before you get started. These practices will head off most of the risk of athletic injury. Additionally, you can prevent the more serious consequences through a wide variety of preventative measures and, in some cases, after-the-fact remedies.

One of the most common tools for the prevention of transmittable illnesses and unwanted pregnancies is a condom, which in the case of sex between a person who has a penis and one who may or may not is worn over the penis of the person whose penis is getting involved with the other partner. Another common technique specifically oriented towards preventing pregnancy is birth control, which comes in many varieties, from pills to implanted devices. Finally, other medications and devices can mitigate the risk of specific undesired consequences, which are too numerous to list. While we advise you to generally use some of these tools, we recommend checking with a doctor to find the ones that suit your particular needs.

Note: it would be irresponsible of us not to provide actual information, so please see this guide to safe sex if you were looking for an actually useful article.

All in all, when undertaken responsibly among consenting, adult participants, sex is not dangerous, although it can be if you're kind of a shithead about it. If you do not have another participant, please just remember to wash your hands before and after.

Danger Level



Pregnancy, Illness, Easily mitigated danger factors